Male chauvinistic INDIA

I'm moved by the death of Damini, the victim of heinous rape in Delhi. The pain she underwent is way beyond my imagination. I have no rights to tell if I say I understand her pain. No I don't, nor do anyone else. She battled through the odds for fourteen days before she decided to let go herself off this chauvinistic society. The glares she would have got from her neighbors, the unneeded attention at hang-outs, the unwanted sympathies, the brutal comments by the people of medieval-period-mentality, the rejections and the trauma of the incident for an entire life. She decided not to be part of this society.

The age old traditions in India, which tie a girl from the growth and prejudicing based on the same myths and beliefs is mere fact of the pathetic state we are living in here now. The fact that our religions and their beliefs are based on these male chauvinistic approaches sites evidence of the instilled mentality what people have in their minds. A girl is asked to enter into fire by her husband, when some person under his rule points out his wife to be impure (people with open mind please read it as - if she had sex with Ravana). Without a single thought he asks her to prove herself to be pure by entering into the fire. The same person who has no courage or no trust on his own wife is the most ideal person in Hindu mythology. A girl is asked to cover herself from top to bottom for the fear of being raped in Islamic society. Girls are never part of the top most positions in any religion. Budhha never allowed any girl to be part of his groups when he started preaching lessons to world.

A girl is not allowed to wander near temples, masjids or many other holy places if she is in periods. Who gives someone the right to dominate rules on the other gender and frame DOs and DON'Ts? A girl was always deprived of education from ages. Reason being, if she gets educated she would know the harsh reality of the societal condition. Women were part of sati system, child marriages and what not. The chauvinistic males have succeeded in instilling these age old thoughts so deep in each one that even women themselves wouldn't oppose the system.

The girls are treated as liabilities and are GIVEN to the guy during marriages. A girl has no right to choose her own guy. And if she does, she breaks the tradition. To hell with such tradition and religion which doesn't let anyone be equal and respected. To hell with the tradition which is baseless. To hell with traditions which is framed keeping only males in mind.

The system needs to change. The youth needs to teach their next generation to respect the freedom and treat their fellow genders equal. We are in such a country where there can never be a change in the mindset of people to the fullest and let the freedom of equality sustain.

Youth of the country is the only hope. Debate as much as possible. Think and question the possibilities. Question the rules of the society. Ask the system to frame rules on the basis of logic and equality. Do not prejudice over anything. Be part of the change. Change yourself and the nation would change. 


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